Our Projects

Learn about our efforts to break the poverty cycle in India

MALA Program

MIT (Massachusetts Institute of Technology) And Lily Foundation Alliance

SMILE Scholarship

The SMILE Scholarship supports academically high achieving students who cannot afford their high school or college education.

More SMILE Scholarship

AALO Homes

Creating educational opportunities in a safe space for the children and youth through Study and Coaching Homes

More AALO Homes

Computer Centers

Promoting digital literacy in rural and suburban areas of India in an effort to reduce the technological divide in hardware and software.

More Computer Centers


Offering long-term borrowing of textbooks, literature and other informational learning resources for India’s less-fortunate boys & girls.

More Bookbanks

Vocational Centers

Cultivating trade and professional skills among young adults and adults to prepare them for jobs with basic wages and sustainable livelihoods

More Vocational Centers

Healthcare Gift

We offer free preventive health- check mobile camps and health awareness and resource events.

More Healthcare Gift

Disaster Relief

Donating funds to those affected by natural disasters and catastrophes anywhere in the world.

More Disaster Relief