Lily Foundation supports a healthy and productive community by addressing the basic health needs in the areas where our programs operate. Over the years, our volunteer doctors, dentists and specialists have treated thousands of patients in a variety of in-need geographic areas through health checkups, wellness and diagnostic fairs.
Past Efforts
Health check and Cancer Awareness Camp February 2020, Ghatsila, Jharkhand
On 2nd February, 2020, we arranged another comprehensive wellness checkup that included testing of blood sugar, blood pressure, ECG, eye check and general physical examinations. Over 350 people without access to proper healthcare were served by our team of 25 medical personnel and 13 volunteers. As a follow up, 162 individuals will undergo cataract removal surgery, 55 will receive spectacles.
Health Check Camp Jan 2020, Dumni
On 8th January, we conducted a successful free healthcare camp. 2 doctors, 2 health technicians, 2 nurses and 2 officials from I.Q City Hospital, Durgapur, West Bengal, assisted with the camp. 125 patients were served. We provided free medicines to 100 Patients.

Narrah Healthcheck in 2017
Nivedita Center for Women’s Healthcheck, Narrah
Opened 27th April 2017, this center staffed by a Gynecologist doctor and a qualified nurse checks health of the local women every two weeks. Primary care medicines are dispensed. Vitamins, iron tablets and essential nutritional drugs are also distributed. Average number of visitors on a camp day is expected to be at least 50.
Women’s Health Awareness Talk, Dhulai
On December 11, a talk was arranged for the High School girls and local women to discuss common issues relating to everyday health. Thirty participants took advantage of this session with the visiting Dr. Aishawarya Sarkar from Kentucky.
Women’s Health Camp at Parulia, Jharkhand
On December 12, a healthcamp was arranged at a local middle school premises in collaboration with Ramakrishna Math, Ghatsila. The purpose was to diagnose and treat village women’s health problems. In all 152 patients were examined and drugs dispensed at the site for all. For the villagers, however, it was a rare opportunity to get examined by a qualified doctor.

MedCamp in 2010
Hijaldiha Vivekananda Seva Samity Eye Hospital, June 2015
A donation was made to build a pathology lab from the sponsorship of Tarak Das Banerjee and Gumdur Grewal Banerjee Trust
Behala Eye and General Healthcheck Camp, May 2015
At the sponsorship of Tarak Das Benerjee and Gumdur Grewal Banerjee Trust, New York, the camp provided free eyeglasses to the needy and primary care medicines to all visiting patients. On-site awareness presentation was made for live eye protection and eye donation upon death.
Dhulai Eue Camp, May 2015
The camp, held at the premises of DMS Institute, Dhulai at the sponsorship of Birla Cement, examined 258 patients of which 114 were selected for cataract surgery at no cost in a hospital.

Mega Health Fair in 2009
Dhulai Asthma Camp, January 2015
The camp, held at Dhulai with sponsorship from Lupia Respira, provided computerized diagnosis and expert opinions to Asthma patients.
Bandel Dental Camp, November 2014
Patients were diagnosed and provided emergency treatments as required and dental hygiene maintenance tools.
Kolkata Cancer Awareness Camp, January 2015
Netaji Subhas Cancer Research Institute presented the cancer-related information and how to prevent some types of cancers.
Water Filter Distribution, November 2014
With sponsorship from Moyee Foundation, home water filtering containers were distributed to selected students’ families.
Narrah Eye Camp, January 2014
At Narrah, 285 patients were examined at a joint sponsorship from Toronto-Calcutta Foundation, of whom 222 pairs of eyeglasses were distributed free.
Dhulai Eye Camp, January 2014
Held at DMS Institute, the camp distributed 227 pairs of free eye glasses to the villagers, out of over 300 patients examined. Immediate care eye-drops were also provided. This event was jointly sponsored by Toronto-Calcutta Foundation.
Ghatsila organized a Mega Health Fair in 2011 on the Kashida hospital front ground where several thousand patients got free health checkup and prescription drugs. A dozen specialists were at hand to examine cardiac, eye, dental, general, children and women health problems. On-site clinical and pathological labs uncluding diagnostic facility were set up.
Behala, Kolkata organized a MedCamp in 2010 mainly for eye exams and general and cardiac healthchecks. Eye-glasses were provided free in some cases. Prescription drugs were distributed. Over 200 patients visited the camp held in a local school premises.
Ghatsila, Jharkhand organized a Mega Health Fair in 2009 on JC High School ground where 2 thousand patients got free health checkup and prescription drugs. Thirteen physician-specialists volunteered to examine cardiac, eye, dental, general, children and women health problems.