Scholarship Recipient
Satyajit Mukherjee 08-46

Coming from a family of mother and son (father deceased) with a monthly income of Rs. 800 /- (less than $18 ) earned by mother in primary school contract teaching , Satyaji t receives 91 % in Madhyamik Exam. Besides his excellent academic record, he is very active in extra-curricular activities. To name a few : First-Aid Emergency training, NCC, Youth Parliament Competition, Medha Sandhan Pariksha and Sarada Maa Statement Writing Competition. Satyajit loves to read books and play cricket. He wants to be a doctor helping poor villagers.

School Class in School-year

Balsi High School, Bankura

Grade XI in 2008-09
Mentor Profession

Satyakinkar Dey

Former teacher
First Year of Award
Current Status
2008-2009 Continued
Sponsor City

Amal Mukherjee, Meghabaran Naraine Memorial White Lily Scholarship


Last updated: 09 Nov 2008


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