Student Name: Prosenjit Ghosh
Student ID: 08-02
Class (Standard) in School-year: XII in 2008-2009
School: Deshapran Birendranath Institution For Boys, So Kolkata
Mentor: Matilal Samanta
Sponsor: Amal Mukherjee
Student Profile:
Coming from a family where mother is the head (father deceased) who earns Rs. 1200/- a month from helping
families in household chores, Prosenjit bags 1st division in Madhyamik 2007. Outside studies, he is good
at recitation and singing for which he receives prizes. Prosenjit wants to go for Business Management for
higher studies.
First year of Award: 2008-2009
Current Status: Continued
last updated 08/16/08
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