Sraboni and Shreya Lahiry visit Behala and Akra Schools


On January 6th. 2009, my daughter Shreya and I made a trip to two of the primary schools/study homes funded by Lily Foundation, Aalo 16 and Aalo 12 in Behala and Aakra in Kolkata, India.  Our first trip was to Aalo 16 where we were warmly welcomed by the teacher and especially by the students who greeted us with a cheerful chorus of “Good Morning!”  The young boys and girls were sharply dressed in their uniforms, with their hair combed back neatly from their faces.  Their gleeful smiles told us that they were excited and eager to show us what they had learned.  We asked them questions on math and reading, and they replied with zeal and enthusiasm. 

It was a positive, invigorating and touching experience for both my daughter and me.  The kids at Aalo 16 were well-disciplined and focused, and were in their best behavior.  It was very encouraging to see the keenness and concentration with which they responded in their class.

The students at Aalo 12 were less alert and receptive. These kids come from more destitute backgrounds, where half of them have no roofs over their heads. Yet, their introversion and inhibitions did not stop them from showing their enthusiasm when they were asked to work out some simple math problems and write down the alphabets. 

Almost all of them came from Muslim families.  These kids, for lack of educational opportunities and extreme poverty generally end up becoming tailors at as young an age as ten. 

It is hard to fathom the depth of the dedication of an organization that is so true to its cause without a visit to the actual schools.  We hope to continue to put forth our efforts to help Lily grow into a larger organization so that we can continue to support these needy children and their families. The children are the future of our world , and providing them the education needed for their growth and advancement is not a choice but a neccessity.


Submitted by Sraboni Lahiry