The Lily Foundation of America Inc.

[A non-religious, non-political and non-profit charitable organization]


SMILE Scholarship:

  [] Monthly  $20    [] Yearly  $200

  [] 5-year $900     [] 10-year $1700    [] 20-year  $3200


This would help support a high-school student for tuition, books, uniform and transportation.


AALO School:

  Study Home                            [] $140 Mo [] $1680 Yr                    

  Primary Coaching Home        [] $70 Mo  [] $840 Yr

  High School Coaching Home [] $100 Mo [] $1100 Yr


This would help support a Study Home or a High School Coaching Home of 20+ kids or a Primary Coaching Home of 15 kids for educational expenses.


Computer Center: []  First Yr $6000 [] 2nd/3rd $3000



[] None                        [] State ________________      

[] School/Home ___________________________

[] In memory of ____________________________


MUST-Provide the info below:

Name: ______________________________________

Address: ____________________________________


Phone: _____________________________________­_

Email: ______________________________________


I would like to contribute through:

[] Checks     [] Paypal     [] Bank xfer     



Signature _______________________Date ________


Mail to:

Lily Foundation,  P.O.Box 59824, Dallas, TX 75229


Lily Foundation is a IRS 501(c ) tax-exempt organization.

Visit for more information


       The Lily Foundation of America Inc.


                             GENERAL DONATION


I appreciate what Lily is doing to support Education and other missions. At

 this time, I do not want to sponsor but make a general donation as below:


[]    $100             []   $75            []    $50


[]    Education   []  Feed the Needy  []   Healthcare  [] Disaster Relief


My address is: __________________________________________


My email is:  ___________________________________________


My name is:  ___________________________________________


                           Sign and date if you want to be  member ($25/ year)



                       LIST OF SPONSORING OPTIONS


Option ID    Title                                        Monthly          Yearly


        AALO Study Home


A1    I OWN MY STUDY HOME                 140                 1680

A2    NO KID LEFT HUNGRY                      45                   540             

A3    KIDS LOOK SMART                            -             100 - 400

A4    KIDS READ WELL                                -            100 -  400


       AALO Primary Coaching Home


B1   I OWN MY PRIMARY COACH HOM  70                    840

B2   SUPPORT PRIM. COACH  HOM            -                     500


       AALO  High School Coaching Home


C1   I OWN MY HIGH SCH COACH HOM  100                1100

C2   SUPPORT HSCH -10                                -                     550


        SMILE Scholarship


D1   WHITE LILY (20 years)                          -       One time 3200

D2   PINK LILY  (10 years)                             -      One time 1700

D3   BLUE LILY (5 years)                               -      One time   900

D4   SMILE SPONSOR                                   20                      200


       Education Center (Computer Center/Vocational Ctr/ Bookbank)


E1   I OWN MY COMPUTER CENTER          -       1st Yr     6000

E2   I RUN MY COMPUTER CENTER           -      2nd/3rd yr 3000 ea           

E3   LEARN WELL COMPUTER                     -      One time  500

E4   DONATE-A-HARDWARE                        -      One time  250

E5   LEARN SEWING                                       -       One time 125

E^   I OWN MY VOCATIONAL CENTER      -                      TBD

E7   I OWN MY BOOKBANK                          -                       500

From above,

I want to sponsor   (           ) (                                         )

                                OptionID           Title

     {Please fill Preference and MUST-provide blocks

     on left with signature and date}