A Child…A Dream

                                              By Sreyoshi Sanyal


The limitless bounties of knowledge heralds you forth

The twinkling of your eyes

The ever curious look

The smile at every new realization

Can anything but hinder your soulful growth


With thy blissful glee

You soar the heights

Spread your wings reach the skies

And leave your cares behind….


Belief is all it takes

To gallop through the hurdles

When high are the stakes…

The tryst with time

Will command the victorious chime



So sing on thy wistful jingle

Let all troubles be not more than a shingle

Smile and shine clear and bright

 like the diamonds in the sky…



We await  you here with our arms unfold

Silently lending shape to your hopes

With our humble little efforts from one and all

We’ll strive to weave the dreams  with gold

Unleash and unfurl thy spirits manifold