High School Coaching Homes
  • Pass Secondary Exam
  • Build Job Skills
    • "Touch Computer"
    • "Speak Well"
    The goal is to help the border-line students (whose marks are close to the minimum passing) practise enough the class lessons, so that they can get over the barrier of Madhyamik board exam. Students of Gr. IX and Gr. X are coached by expert teachers who know the technique of apprehending the type of questions in the exam and can impart the skills to solve problems. The Homes are small class-rooms, usually held at a high school ( or other school) premises where subject-matter experts teach English and Math. The coaching environment is made more attractive as it offers convenient off-school hours' classes in cozy small groups of 20-30 students. The students take part in additional skill-building exercises through "Touch Computer" and "Speak Well" programs.
    Click pictures below for details:
    AALO 8, Dhulai AALO 17, Narrah AALO 26, Bandel
    AALO 32, Hijaldiha AALO 33, Ghatsila AALO 35, Dhulai
    AALO 36 Asanbani AALO 37, Ghatsila

    You can sponsor a Home for as little as $1100 a year. As you own the Home, you can assign a name of your choice. We will put up a banner at the premises with the owner's name.

    You receive an annual progress report that consists of the students' names, scores, picture of the Home and samples of students' works.

    Acitivity Photos
    Republic Day celebrated at DMS Institute every year Medha Annesan ( Talent Search) competitions held
    Teachers entertain students at picnic "Touch Computer" students at DMS Inst
    Thanks to Sponsors
    AALO 8: Topan Bhattacharya

    AALO 17: Amal Mukherjee

    AALO 26: Malay Chatterji

    AALO 32: IERG, Srijay Gupta

    AALO 33: SRAI

    AALO 35: Kajori Dasgupta

    AALO 36: Sunandan Sen

    AALO 37: SRAI, Sunandan Sen

    updated as of 15 June 2014