Scholarship Recipient
Puja Kumari 09-16

Coming from a family of 3 , where father and mother jointly earn only Rs. 3166 /- a month (less than $ 66 ) - father as a vegetable seller having mental problem and mother by attending a candy shop, Puja secures 59% in the annual exam.

Puja participates in dance performances winning medals and once a hot-pot. Her hobbies are dancing , singing and reading. Puja wants to serve the country in the position of a teacher when she grows up.

School Class in School-year

Jagadish Chandra High School, Ghatsila, Jharkhand

Gr. IX in 2009-10
Mentor Profession

Dr. Ratna Mukherjee

First Year of Award
Current Status
2009-2010 Continued
Sponsor City

Dr. Santanu & Mrs. Abigail Ghose


Last updated: 05 Sept 2009


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